S T . S W I T H I N ‘ S P C C
Rev. Jim Prestwood, Vicar and Chair of PCC
Rev. Ben Brady, Associate Vicar
Rev. Ben Willis, Planting Curate
Rev. Juliette Willis, Planting Curate
Rev. Victoria Lawrence, Curate
Rev. Cameron Watt
Mr. Richard Lambert, Church Warden and Vice Chair
Mrs. Rosemary Brooks, Safeguarding Officer
Mr. Dan Chard, Treasurer
Mrs. Susan Watt, PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod Representative
Mr. John Crowder
Mrs. Gail Fields
Mr. Mick Glenfield
Mr. Thomas Herbert
Mrs. Jen Moat
Mr. Dale Newman
Mr. Mark Perry
Mrs. Jane Pickersgill
Mr. Ryan Rawlinson
Mr. Callum Roper
Mr. Andrew Shepherd
Dr. Phil Williams
Mrs. Rachel Tyrrell (as observer - Head of Ops)